Trade Apprenticeships

We annually employ trade apprentices to ensure new talent is brought into the industry. Watch our video to hear from apprentices, past and present, about their experience.



We accept applications for apprenticeships all year round however the recruitment process takes place between March and May.


The most suitable applicants will be invited to take part in an industry specific group assessment created in collaboration with the CITB. Following this, the top scoring candidates will be invited to attend a face to face interview.


Our team will then review the performance of candidates over both stages and offer the preferred candidates the positions available.


Our apprentices spend the first 4 weeks of their employment in our Paisley or Edinburgh office to ensure they become embedded in our company culture and learn about the different roles that exist throughout the company before beginning their college course and work on site.

The college each apprentice attends depends on their location and we have recently had apprentices attend West College Scotland, Edinburgh College and South Lanarkshire College.


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